After collaborating with local and state weather experts, the Walton County School District has made the decision to close schools on both Tuesday and Wednesday, January 21 and 22 due to a Winter Storm. The closure includes students and employees as well as SPICE and extra curricular activities. Walton may begin to see precipitation to include ice on Tuesday afternoon which will make it unsafe for school buses to be on roads and bridges. Wednesday may continue to see freezing temperatures which may keep ice on the roadways. We will continue to monitor the weather, as safety is always our number one priority. At this time, we expect to be back at school on Thursday, January 23. Stay safe, and continue to stay engaged with your schools and our online platforms for more information.
about 2 months ago, WCSD
winter closure
Based on information from the National Weather Service and with our local weather partners, all Walton County schools will remain closed on Friday, September 27th. Tropical storm force winds and rain are anticipated from approximately 7:00 p.m. until 3:00 a.m. from Hurricane Helene. Closures are for all students, staff, and SPICE. Extracurricular decisions will be made by individual schools, including Friday football games, so please look to your schools for more information. All schools are expected to open Monday, September 30th. Stay safe, and continue to check our district and schools’ websites and social media platforms for more information. Las escuelas estarán cerradas mañana viernes 27 de septiembre debido al huracán Helene.
6 months ago, WCSD
hurricane update
5th Grade students did 110 reps of different exercises in PE today in remembrance of the first responders of 9/11 climbing 110 flights of stairs to save their fellow man on 9/11/01. Paxton will never forget the prices paid by everyone on that day in history. #neverforget #bobcatstrong
6 months ago, Nate Moore
Remembering 9/11
School Advisory Council Meeting on August 27, 2024 at 5:00pm
7 months ago, Nate Moore
SAC logo
We are EXCITED to announce that Paxton School is an A+ School for the 3rd year in a row!!! Way to go Students, Faculty, and Community!!! YOU ARE EPIC!!!
8 months ago, Nate Moore
A School Announcment
The final School Advisory Council Meeting for the 2023-2024 school year will be May 20th at 5:00pm. Parents interested in serving on the School Advisory Council for 2024-2025, please send your name, phone number and email address to by May 17th, 2024. In accordance with Florida Statute 1001.452, parent members of the School Advisory Council will be voted on by other parents. The vote will take place during the week of May 20th. Seven parent members will be elected to serve on the council. Council members will need to meet at least four times a year, usually at 5:00pm.
10 months ago, Nate Moore
SAC logo
Spring Pictures on March 1st
about 1 year ago, Kalli McMillan
Spring Pictures
Last night, our coaching staffs along with Principal Mr. Jones, Assistant Principal Mr. Morgan, as well as special guest Superintendent A. Russell Hughes were honored to present the 2024 Cats Against Cancer recipients with their proceed checks from the two-day December basketball classic. Thanks to generous donations and support from our community, we were able to give each recipient $3,000. This wouldn’t be possible without all of the wonderful people and sponsors in our community. Thank you all for your support again, and we look forward to helping more people next year as we continue the fight against cancer. 🎗️
about 1 year ago, Nate Moore
CAC Recipients honored with funds
Thank you to Walton County Supervisor of Elections - Ryan Messer for assisting with our Homecoming King/Queen elections. Mr. Messer and his staff brought voting machines and allowed our students to experience how voting really occurs. We also had several students register to vote. We are thankful for this opportunity for our students provided by Mr. Messer and his office.
about 1 year ago, Nate Moore
Sup. of Elections 3
Sup. of Elections 2
Sup. of Elections 1
There will be a SAC - School Advisory Council meeting on Jan. 29th at 5:00pm.
about 1 year ago, Nate Moore
SAC Meeting
Keep up to date with what's happening here at Paxton School. This will be a Remind group that covers the entire school. We will only utilize this remind group in the case of mass messages for our students/families/community. Please join and share. Text @paxtonoffsw to 81010 to sign up
about 1 year ago, Nate Moore
Remind Group Code
We are excited to announce that Paxton School is an A SCHOOL for the 2022-23 school year! This is a great accomplishment for our students, teachers, staff, and community! Thank you to everyone involved for making Paxton so successful in all we do! Just one more way we see that Bringing Our Best Can Achieve Top Success!!! #bobcatswin
over 1 year ago, Nate Moore
Paxton School is an A School!
Congratulations to Landon Marshall, Aidan Schooley, and Eli McKee for certifying in ICT Computing Essentials!
over 1 year ago, Kalli McMillan
Bobcat Affirmations
over 1 year ago, Kalli McMillan
Bobcat Affirmations
over 1 year ago, Kalli McMillan
Click Here
over 1 year ago, Kalli McMillan
Mrs. Brittany Schaefer, Paxton secondary art teacher, values abstract thinking. At the start of the school year her students were allowed to showcase their diverse thought processes through the spaghetti challenge. Mrs. Schaefer gave students two pieces of uncooked spaghetti and instructed them to "construct a dog or a cat, either individually or with tablemates." She gave no other instructions, then sat back and watched how students tackled the task. This activity helped Mrs. Schaefer see which students preferred to work alone and which preferred the help of others. It also showed who struggled with vague directions, who asked for clarification, and who used out-of-the-box thinking skills. She was able to see which students just wrote the word DOG or CAT, who just created a face, and who constructed the whole animal's body. The class then walked around to see how everyone approached the task differently. Mrs. Schaefer helped students see that everyone has a different background, which causes them to approach tasks uniquely. She emphasized that when students support each other's diverse thinking, they are more comfortable to try new things and take risks. Mrs. Schaefer has begun the year building a culture that supports the diverse artists in her classroom. She is helping her students understand that there are multiple ways to approach tasks, and that one-size-fits-all answers rarely exist.
over 1 year ago, Kalli McMillan
LadyCats Basketball, Coach Williams, Principal Jones, & Asst. Principal Morgan ran the Bobby Kemp Heritage Day 5k this morning! Superintendent Hughes came to support them and the community today! It's great to be a Lady Cat!!!
over 1 year ago, Nate Moore
Superintendent with LadyCats BB team
Congrats to our August Students of the Month for KG, 6th, & 9th! Dean Moore is excited to celebrate with each student for showing amazing work ethic and citizenship for this first month of school!
over 1 year ago, Nate Moore
Superintendent Hughes delivers his September Monthly Update! September is a busy month full of holiday, remembrance, and celebration. Make sure to watch the monthly updates to ensure you are up-to-date on all of the EPIC happenings in Walton County!
over 1 year ago, WCSD