Calendar FAQ
The Walton County School District Calendar Committee is made up of teachers, support staff, district staff, union representatives, and a School Board Member. This committee ensures that all statutory requirements for course credits, instructional minutes, observance of appropriate holidays, teacher planning time, etc. are met.
The committee’s recommendation is presented to the Superintendent (School Board Rule 3.18) who then forwards it to the School Board Members. The calendar is placed on the School Board agenda and recommended for approval.
WCSD School Calendars must meet the following requirements:
Earliest start time is August 10. (Florida Statute 1001.42 (f))
Total number of school days equivalent to 180 (Florida Statute 1003.02 (14.g.1.))
90 Days each semester
Past practice has been to end the first semester before the winter break and the third quarter before Spring Break
High School Credit – 135 hours = 1 full credit (State Statute 1003.436)
Must have 5 Teacher Planning days –2 uninterrupted days during pre-planning, 1 at the end of each grading period except the last quarter (WCEA Contract 2023-26, Articles IV & VII)
Must be in school during the State Department of Education Full Time Equivalent (FTE) survey week. This is when a snapshot of our student enrollment and attendance over 11 days is taken for funding allocations.
Consideration is given to federal holidays as the calendar is created.